You Can Be Happy Again

Bouncing Back
After Infidelity, Betrayal and Loss

By Delia Gould

Delia Blue

...About This Book...

In You Can Be Happy Again, Delia Gould recounts her own personal journey through betrayal, infidelity, and losing her husband to her best friend, all while he was serving as a prominent leader in his church. Throughout the pages of this book, Gould shares life lessons on how she managed to overcome the conflicted mixture of deception, rejection and the shadow of depression. This book was written to empower and encourage you to conquer your inner turmoil and choose to be happy again! 


This book is a reminder that you don’t have to let bad situations consume you and hold you back from moving forward. To find out more, get your copy now!

You Will Learn:

• How to take responsibility for your own happiness. 

• Ten practical steps to cope and reclaim your happiness within days, weeks and months.

• How to spot the signs of infidelity.

• When to let go and have the courage to do so with incredible bravery. 

• How to break free from the chains of unforgiveness and soar in the bliss of the freedom that brings. 


Say Hello To Delia

Delia went through a devastating ordeal when her then-husband had an affair with her best friend. She was able to reclaim her happiness by relying on her faith in God and the principles she outlines in this book. Delia lives with her family in the United Kingdom but her roots are from the beautiful Caribbean Island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. She is a proud mother and a qualified accountant, with over twenty years of experience in this field. It is her desire that as you read this book, it has a positive life-changing impact

Get Your Free Gift

To say thanks for purchasing this book, I would like to give you this (Self-Assessment) for free!  This resource will help you assess where you are right now and the next steps you need to take to find happiness again.  

Connection Session

If you feel overwhelmed with emotions or are not sure what your next step should be. Sometimes talking to someone who went through the same situation is very helpful. I can be that person for you.Click on the link below for a connection session with me.

It will be helpful if you read my book, You Can Be Happy Again in which I recount my own personal journey through infidelity, betrayal and losing my husband to my best friend. I also share lifelong lessons on how I managed to overcome the conflicted mixture of deception, rejection and the shadow of depression and chose to be happy. 

Speaking Appointment

Far too many women are suffering in silence, facing infidelity, betrayal and loss. My mission is to help 10,000 women find happiness again. If you have an event , you would like me to speak at , you can book an me by clicking the link below.

You can also connect with me via Email: